Headcover 2009 USOBPB Miss Lena Wayback

Miss Lena Wayback makes her way to New York for the 2009 US Golf Championship via the USOBPB Scotty Cameron Flying Tiger Shark Express. One of Scottys most elaborate headcovers with an edge-to-edge rivet emboss and 82 minutes of embroidery runtime for its 65,000 stitches, our summertime pin-up beauty is a welcome addition to lift the spirits of golf fans nationwide. 2,009 headcovers were released on June 17, 2009.

Avg Sale Price:
Auctions: 330 First: 6/20/2009 Most Recent: 2/27/2025
Value Details

  • Category:Headcover
  • Release Year:2009
  • Release Qty:2009